Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ode to the snowy winter (wonder)land

You're already here... and all the pipes are frozen. The poo bucket is lined with newspaper to make the crap feel cosy in media crap. The window I looked out from is all white and the door is hard to open as the cracks freeze up. The sink leaks into the house as the bottom of my van is icicles and it takes me a while to recognize my bike...

Snow! Yes, I know you're white, and shinny, and sometime you take my breath away. You make the air smell minty clean and add frost to my eyebrows. You make me wear 2 kgs clothes and thanks to you, I spend about 2 minutes layering up before going out even to pee. Which is a lucky feast because if I find myself in a land unploughed, squatting becomes a lightly freezing businesses... After all, burying one's behind in a mound of snow is surely a way for a woman to wish to be born a man... But on happy days, you make my fall deep in it and make snow angels.

Today is not a day to complain, for my uncertain heart finds bliss in a snowflake that lands in my mouth or when it tickles my face.

I wake up to this view every morning and find nature's grace within

Last week, the thermometers were shivering at -22C and the days are ... well, if there are any... are not more than 6 hours long... Somewhere deep down, I have a nagging feeling that Olle might be right when he said, winter is coming soon. Not yet, but soon...

They (Masaru Emoto and others) say every snow crystal is unique, formed through not just mere pressures, temperatures and other physical phenomenas but also the love, care, anger and frustrations formed around it... (, my mind is confounded by the remider each snow flake brings, of the unlimited choices all around me.

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